Un principio clave de Richards Brandt es que siempre estamos preparados para perseguir o defender una demanda en el juicio. Nuestra capacidad y disposición para juzgar casos produce acuerdos favorables para nuestros clientes.


Es lo mejor para nuestros clientes que abordemos cada caso como si tuvieramos que defender ante un tribunal. Para cerrar los casos lo más rápido posible, seguimos este importante principio. Nuestros abogados han trabajado en más casos en la sala del tribunal que la mayoría de los otros bufetes de abogados en Utah, pero el litigio es solo un camino hacia la resolución.

Nuestros abogados presentan las opciones y preparan a los clientes para los posibles resultados en cada fase del proceso de resolución. En cualquier momento del proceso, es posible que usted y su abogado quieran considerar la mediación o el arbitraje. Conozca a nuestros mediadores.


La fortaleza de nuestro bufete de abogados radica principalmente en la profunda experiencia de nuestros abogados litigantes. Pocos bufetes de abogados en Utah tienen la experiencia en tribunales que hemos acumulado aquí en Richards Brandt.

Los abogados litigantes representan a clientes involucrados en litigios civiles y penales. El trabajo del abogado litigante requiere excelentes habilidades analíticas y un conocimiento profundo de la ley. Persuadir a un juez o jurado requiere que cada prueba sea presentada y disputada de acuerdo con un complejo conjunto de reglas. Además, los abogados litigantes revisan los archivos, se comunican con los testigos, toman declaraciones, juzgan los casos, preparan las órdenes y hablan con los clientes fuera del tribunal durante todo el caso. La preparación para un juicio puede llevar meses y, a veces, años.


Nuestros abogados trabajan con individuos, pequeñas empresas locales y grandes empresas internacionales. La pasión por la ley es importante, sin embargo, un compromiso con el cliente es lo que hemos construido nuestra reputación durante los últimos 40 años.

Tanto las empresas como las personas enfrentan desafíos en cada etapa de sus vidas. Hemos trabajado con clientes durante décadas protegiendo a su familia y sus medios de vida de reclamos y posibles litigios. Ganarnos la confianza de nuestros clientes a lo largo del tiempo ha sido nuestro mayor éxito. Nuestros clientes pueden contar con nosotros para evaluar riesgos, preparar documentos legales importantes y proteger sus activos a largo plazo.

“Nunca provoque un litigio. Difícilmente se puede encontrar un hombre peor que uno que hace esto”

Abraham Lincoln


The Work-product Doctrine: Application to Documents Relied on and Prepared by Business Entities’ Internal Investigations




Answered by:

A: To decide which entity is right for you, we look at: liability, taxation, and maintenance. Both corporations and LLC’s have limited personal liability—this means that owners are usually not responsible for business debts. However, corporations and LLC’s are taxed very differently—corporations are classified as a separate taxable entity, whereas LLC’s are typically taxed as a pass-through entity (unless you choose otherwise). And corporations and LLC’s have different levels of maintenance—LLC’s have fewer reporting requirements and can operate solely with members acting as the managers. Conversely, corporations are required to hold certain annual meetings, keep certain records, and appoint boards and officers to manage the company for the stockholders. Every situation is unique so we recommend that you consult with an attorney in making your decision. Contact our firm, Richards Brandt, if we can help you decide which entity is right for you.

Answered by:

A: To decide which entity is right for you, we look at: liability, taxation, and maintenance. Both corporations and LLC’s have limited personal liability—this means that owners are usually not responsible for business debts. However, corporations and LLC’s are taxed very differently—corporations are classified as a separate taxable entity, whereas LLC’s are typically taxed as a pass-through entity (unless you choose otherwise). And corporations and LLC’s have different levels of maintenance—LLC’s have fewer reporting requirements and can operate solely with members acting as the managers. Conversely, corporations are required to hold certain annual meetings, keep certain records, and appoint boards and officers to manage the company for the stockholders. Every situation is unique so we recommend that you consult with an attorney in making your decision. Contact our firm, Richards Brandt, if we can help you decide which entity is right for you.

Answered by:

A: To decide which entity is right for you, we look at: liability, taxation, and maintenance. Both corporations and LLC’s have limited personal liability—this means that owners are usually not responsible for business debts. However, corporations and LLC’s are taxed very differently—corporations are classified as a separate taxable entity, whereas LLC’s are typically taxed as a pass-through entity (unless you choose otherwise). And corporations and LLC’s have different levels of maintenance—LLC’s have fewer reporting requirements and can operate solely with members acting as the managers. Conversely, corporations are required to hold certain annual meetings, keep certain records, and appoint boards and officers to manage the company for the stockholders. Every situation is unique so we recommend that you consult with an attorney in making your decision. Contact our firm, Richards Brandt, if we can help you decide which entity is right for you.


Utah Manufacturing Company Needed Employment Contracts For Key Staffers

Utah Construction Company Needed Planning For Business Growth & Protection

Utah Family Enterprise Needed Guidance and Representation to Sell Business


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.”

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.”

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.”

Copyright © 2021-2024 de Richards Brandt. Reservados todos los derechos. Abogados ubicados en Salt Lake City, Utah